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Our services in EEG

Verifiers are entitled to act as environmental verifiers under the Environmental Audit Act, and are allowed to perform certain activities with appropriate authorisation under the Renewable Energies Act (EEG). This applies to activities under the current EEG and under the conditions that are still valid for older EEG systems.

The goal is always to provide a credible and serious evaluation of such investments. In particular, if needed feed-in is commissioned for this particular claim.

According to the starting date of your system, the compensation is based on the relevant legislative provisions. The environmental verifier certified biogas plants, biomass CHP, Biomethane CHP and wood gasification by the respective EEG.

EEG 2014: Base salary, premium flexibility, landscaping bonus

EEG 2012: Base salary, feedstock compensation, premium flexibility, direct marketing (premium market model), fermentation of organic waste

EEG 2009: Base salary, manure bonus, CHP bonus, Land Stewardship bonus, NaWaRo Bonus, Technology Bonus (with and without gas injection), air pollution bonus


Feel free to contact us and get information, for a review of your biomass plant in particular and the costs incurred thereby. After completion of a written agreement, we will coordinate our activities and help you in preparing your documents and commissioning the system with you on-site. The data so collected are checked for plausibility and you get a robust report.